提取湘东黑山羊基因组总DNA,用所设计的引物以聚合酶链式反应扩增山羊ADD1基因,并进行克隆测序。通过对克隆所得片段的测序结果分析,得到了山羊ADD1基因外显子(exon)13~18、内含子(intron)13~17序列,并将序列提交GenBank,获两个序列号:DQ483057、DQ455606;对编码序列(exon 13~18)与牛、人同区域进行Blast对比,同源性分别达到了97.43%和86.12%。聚类分析结果表明,在6个物种中,牛与山羊ADD1基因的同源性最高,其它几个物种间同源系数相差不大,在83%至89%之间。
Abstract:Extracting total DNAs from Xiangdong Black Goat, we amplified Hircine ADD1 Gene by polymerase chain reaction using one primers, then colon and sequence them. That Combining and analysing of Sequencing results of one PCR-derived fragments showed we obtained exonl3- 18 and intron 13- 17 of H ircine ADD1 Gene, Sending the sequences to Gen- Bank and we received two accession number:DQ483057,DQ455606; the homologous percentage of coding regions(exon13- 18) were 97.43% ,86.12% separately when blasting it with the bovine and human being , further more , the results of blast the sequences with other five species , the sequence homology of goat ADD1 gene and cow was the highest , and the of homology index among the goat ADD1 gene and the other species were between 83 % and 89 %, the differences was little.
China Herbivores