2008年3月21日晚,中国国家大剧院歌剧厅内,倍受瞩目的国家大剧院版歌剧《图兰朵》即将拉开帷幕。7点30分左右,舞台上出现了身着礼服、手拿话筒的主持人许戈辉,在主持人简短的介绍之后,国家大剧院院长陈平、意大利普契尼节日基金会主席Mmarico Nicolai分别作了热情洋溢的致词,这一切,使得演出的仪式感倍增。
The newly staged production of Turandot opened on March 21 at the National Centre tbr the Performing Arts. The original Calaf, Nicola Marfinucci, was indisposed for the opening pertbrmance and replaced by Chinese tenor Dai Yuqiang, while Italian soprano Giovanna Casolla played the title role. The rest of the cast included Yao Hong fi'om the Central Opera (Liu) and TianHaojiang(Timur), as well as Zhang Feng, Zheng Yao and Wang Fei (Ping, Pang. Pong). There is also a second east for the main characters: wei Song (Calat), Sun .Xiuwei (Turandot), and Ma Mei (Liu). Apart from the soloists, Shanghai Opera House Choir and Shanghai Opera House Orchestra constituted the main threes for the production. The professionalism of chorus and orchestra members certainly elevated this Turandot to a high artistic level.