A geographical in- dication is a sign used on goods that have a specific geo- graphical origin and possess quali- ties or a reputation that are due to that place of origin. Geographical indications are understood by consumers to denote the origin and the quality of products.Many of them have acquired valuable reputations which,if not adequately protected,may be misrepresented by dishonest commercial operators.False use of geographical indications by unautho- rized parties is detrimental to consumers and legitimate producers.The former are deceived and led into believing to buy a genuine product with specific qualities and characteristics,while they in fact get a worthless imitation. The latter suffer damage because valuable business is taken away from them and the established reputation for their products is damaged. Recently,authority from General Administration of Qual- ity Supervision,Inspection and Quarantine of China gave an interview and introduced some typical cases of geographical indication protection applied in food industry. Since protected by geographical indication in 2000, Shaoxing wine has been benefited greatly in aspects of product credibility,invisible capital,market promotion and export. Shaoxing wine is very popular in Japan.But the Japanese market was not dominated by genuine product until geographi- cal indication is applied.Nowadays,the market share of genu- ine Shaoxing wine in Japan has gone up from 20% to 94.2%. Meanwhile,Shaoxing wine are also introduced to more than 30 countries in North Asia,Europe and America. Likewise,Wu Yi Tea,Longkou Vermicelli,Yantai Apple, etc.also successfully protect their brands from unfair competi- tion with the help of geographical indication.
China Food Industry