
美国国会对中国政策的区域矛盾 被引量:2

Sectionalism in Congressional Roll Call Voting on China
摘要 区域矛盾对美国政治有着深远的影响,该问题在美国国会表现得最为明显。以中美关系为例,作者分析了区域矛盾在国会形成的原因和机制,认为选民利益决定了美国各区域在中美关系上的结盟或对立。分析结果表明:在延长最惠国待遇和中国"入世"这两个问题上,美国国内的区域矛盾基本上以密西西比河为分界线,形成东西对抗的局面。在中国台湾问题上,尤其是在1997年和2000年的两个有关中国台湾的法案上,美国国内的区域矛盾不再是东西部对立,而是共和党占主导的地区与民主党占主导的地区相互对立。作者最后讨论了分析结果对中国外交决策者的借鉴意义。 Sectionalism has had profound impact on American politics, and it is manifested most frequently and consistently in Congress. By using the case of U.S.-China r elationship, the author argues that constituency interests underpin sectional al ignment on the China policy of the U.S. The Mississippi River was the dividing l ine when it comes to MFN and WTO. Yet the East-versus-West sectional alignment was not found on roll call votes related to U.S.-Taiwan relations. Instead, se ctional conflict on the U.S. relations with Taiwan closely resembled the red-ve rsus-blue electoral maps in the 2000 and 2004 presidential elections. The autho r finally concludes with a brief discussion on its implications for China’s for eign policy making.
作者 谢韬
出处 《世界经济与政治》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第3期33-40,共8页 World Economics and Politics
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  • 1Hannah Grace Roaeh,"Sectionalism in Congress (1870-1890) ," American Political Science Review, Vol. 19, No, 3, 1925, p. 500.
  • 2Julius Turner, Party and Constituency: Pressure on Congress, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1970. p. 165.
  • 3Frederick Jackson Turner, Sections in American History, New York: Henry Holt, 1932, p. 183.
  • 4Julius Tumer,Party and Constituency:Pressure on Congress , p. 165.
  • 5Richard Franklin Bensel, Sectionalism and American Political Development, 1880 - 1980, Madison, WI : University of Wisconsin Press, 1984, p.4.
  • 6Richard Franklin Bensel, Sectionalism and American Political Development, 1880 - 1980, p. 6.
  • 7Richard Franklin Bensel, Seaionalism and American Political Development, 1880 - 1980, p. 24.
  • 8Richard Franklin Bensel, Sectionalism and American Politico2 Development, 1880 -1980.
  • 9V.O. Key, Southern Politics in State and Nation, New York: Knopf, 19490
  • 10Richard Franklin Bensel, Sectionalism and American Political Development, 1880-1980, Chapters 7 -8.










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