
形成中的市民社会:民间商会发展的空间与限度 被引量:1

The Form-taking Society of Urban Residents:the Space and Limit in the Development of Unofficial Chambers of Commerce
摘要 民间商会是在政府的积极推动下发展起来的,同时在政府与企业之间寻找生长的空间。一方面它们在服务行业企业、推动经济增长、解决贸易纠纷、代表行业利益等方面发挥着类似于利益团体的作用,另一方面为了获取资源以及政策支持,它们仍然保持着与政府的依赖关系。 Unofficial chambers of commerce have been developed under the stimulus of the government and at the same time have been seeking their developmental space between the government and enterprises. On the on hand, they play a role of groups of interests in serving enterprises, pushing forward economic growth, solving trade disputes and representing trade interests, and on the other hand, in order to obtain resources and the policy support, they are still keeping the relations of reliance with the government.
作者 陈家喜
出处 《深圳大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第2期54-59,共6页 Journal of Shenzhen University:Humanities & Social Sciences
基金 教育部人文社会科学青年项目"政治安排与民营企业家的政治影响研究"(07JC810009)
关键词 民间商会 行业协会 市民社会 地方政府 unofficial chamber of commerce trade association society of urban residents localgovernment
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