当政府有关部门由于工作需要进行合并成立机构后(新经委),随之而来的是业务的整合,这导致原有的系统不能够满足工作的需要。政府的柔性流程审批,一体化的办公需求,网上事务的公开,电子化文档的共享,职能变化导致的功能变更,等等一系列的应用需求,都会导致大批量的程序开发和应用框架的变动。在这样的需求环境下,需要有更新架构的柔性框架系统来满足新的应用需求。基于此,文章引入了Web Service的概念,利用Web Service的跨平台性、松耦合、开放性的特点,使用Web Service设计了数据同步引擎,使新经委实现"统一注册、统一认证、统一申报、统一反馈与信息互动"的审批模式成为可能,比较圆满地解决市经委与各区县经委之间的协同办公,为经委后续几年的电子政务应用建设奠定坚实的基础。
When the corresponding departments of the government need to be combined to form new institute(new economy committee) by work request,the businesses have to be re--integrated,which will make the original systems disabled.Require- ments such as the approval of the flexible processes of the government,the needs for integrative offices,the publicizing of net- work affairs,the share of E--documents and the changes of functions will all bring the changes of a large batch of program de- velopment and application frames.Under such requirement environment,flexible frame system with newer structure is required. Based on this,this paper introduces the concept of Web Service.And thus,it's possible to achieve the model of'the united reg- istration,united authentication,united declaration,united feedback and information share.'
Microcomputer Applications