Objective To investigate the relationship between the clinical manifestations, prognosis and histopathological findings of mucormycosis. Methods The clinical data on and pathological findings from 7 cases of mucormycosis confirmed by fimgal culture in the institute from 1989 to 2006 were analyzed retrospectively. Results There was 1 case of rhinocerebral mucormycosis and 6 cases of cutaneous mucormycosis, among them, 2 were mucormycotic necrotizing fasciitis (MNF). The condition of patients with rhinocerebral mucormycosis or MNF aggravated rapidly and all the 3 patients died from mucormycosis. Histopathological examination showed mixed infiltrates of inflammatory cells as well as necrosis and angioin vasion. On the contrary, the condition of the remaining 4 patients with cutanesus mucormycosis, who presented mainly with indurated erythematous patch, progressed slowly, and 2 patients were cured. Histologically, the lesions were characterized by granulomatous infiltration with a few hyphae; no typical angioinvasion phenomenon was noted. There was no evidence of perineural invasion with hyphae in any of the 7 cases. Conclusion In patients with mucormycosis, histopathological findings characterized by mixed infiltrates of inflammatory cells, numerous hyphae and typical angioinvasion phenomenon may herald a poor prognosis.
Chinese Journal of Dermatology