春小麦新品种临麦33号是临夏回族自治州农业科学研究所以“92元-11”为母本、“贵农20号”为父本杂交选育而成。在2003-2004年甘肃省东片水地春小麦区域试验中,2 a折合平均产量分别为5 707.35、5 506.35kg/hm^2,分别较对照品种CM4860增产3.88%,较对照品种陇春23号减产1.4%。籽粒含粗蛋白111.3 g/kg、湿面筋249.0 g/kg、沉降值19.3 mL,吸水率67.1 g/kg,面团形成时间1.7 min,稳定时间0.9 min,最大抗延阻力128 E.U。该品种株高80-106 cm,长芒,千粒重40-46 g,生育期94-115 d,适宜在临夏、临洮、渭源或同类地区推广种植。
The spring wheat new variety wheat Linmai 33 was the Linxia Institute of Agicultural Sciences take " 92yuan-11" as a female parent, "Guinong 20" become the male parent hybrid selective breeding. The grain including the thick protein 111.3 g/kg, the wet gluten 249. 0 g/kg, subsidence value 19. 3 mL, the water-absorptivity 67. 1 g/kg, the pasta forms time 1.7 min, settling time 0. 9 min, the biggest anti-extends resistance 128 E. U, was the high quality weak muscle special-purpose wheat variety, suitable make into biscuit, cakes and pastries and so on. And in 2003--2004, in the Gansu Province regional test ,The average yield was respectively 5 707.35 and 5 506.35 kg/hm^2, compared check variety CM4860 to increase production 3.88% and Longchun 23 to decrease production 1.4%. This variety high 80-106 cm, long awn, weight of a thousand seeds 40-46 g, period of duration 94-115 d. Being suitable in Linxia, Lintao, Weiyuan or similar local promotion planter.
Gansu Agricultural Science and Technology