作者测试并比较了Empress陶瓷全冠着色上釉等热循环前后的边缘适合性.结果表明热压成形后的Empress 陶瓷冠其边缘浮升量为64.20μum(SD=9.49μm),着色上釉后的边缘浮升量为76.10μm(SD=10.85μm),两组间无显著性差异(P>O.05).提示该修复体具有良好的边缘浮升量,而成形后陶瓷冠再经历着色上釉等热过程有致使修复体轻微变形的倾向.
The marginal adaption of Empress ce-ramie crown with and without staining and glazing thermal procedure had been compared, the marginal discrepency were 76. 10um and 64. 20um respectively, there were no significant difference between two groups. The results also indicated that the increasing thermal procedure cycles had a detrimental affect on marginal adaption of Empress ceramic crown.
Chinese Journal of Dental Materials and Devices