以新疆野苹果不同单株种子为试验材料,研究了不同层积时间、去种皮和不同激素处理对新疆野苹果种子休眠与萌发的影响。结果表明:低温层积能有效地解除种子的休眠,层积75 d带皮种子发芽率达到90%以上;种皮对萌发有较强的抑制作用,层积45 d带皮种子发芽率为8%,而去皮后种子发芽率达到90%;去皮种子经赤霉素处理可明显提早发芽,低温层积30 d后经500 mg/L GA3处理发芽率较高;GA3和6-BA处理对带皮种子萌发的影响均不明显;在相同处理条件下,不同单株之间的发芽率有一定的差异。
The effects of seed - coat, stratification time and different hormone on seed dormancy and germination were studied based on Malus sieversii seed. The results indicated that the stratification could break dormancy effectively. The percentage of germination with seed - coat reached 90% after stratified seeds 75 days. Seed-coat could inhibited germination obviously. The percentage of germination with seed - coat was 8 % and 90% without seed - coat after stratified seeds 45 days. GA3 is helpful for breaking dormancy without seed - coat. It is a befitting treatment for breaking dormancy peels seed with 500 mg/L GA3 after stratified seeds 30 days. The effect of GA3 and 6 - BA with seed - coat is not obviously. The percentage of germination have difference in different individual tree at the same treatment.
Xinjiang Agricultural Sciences