
一种磨损颗粒诱导的骨溶解模型的制作 被引量:2

Establishing of animal model on wear debris-induced osteolysis
摘要 目的探讨用磨损颗粒诱导小鼠颅骨发生骨溶解,建立骨溶解模型。方法20只BALB/C小鼠随机分为两组,A组为空白对照组,接受假手术;B组为钛颗粒骨溶解模型组,将钛颗粒置入小鼠颅顶骨,10天后取出颅骨,进行病理学分析。结果HE染色中B组骨吸收明显增加,骨小梁结构紊乱及骨质疏松;计算颅骨正矢状线骨破坏溶解面积A组为(0.075±0.012)mm2,B组为(0.372±0.011)mm2;TRAP染色中破骨细胞数目A组为(10.1±1.1)个,B组为(32.3±4.2)个。与A组相比,B组可明显增加骨溶解(P<0.001)及破骨细胞生成(P<0.001),TRAP染色与HE染色结果相符。结论将钛颗粒置入小鼠颅顶骨建立骨吸收模型的方法,实验证实具有可行性,可为人工关节无菌性松动的研究提供实验基础。 Objective To approach the methods of wear debris - induced osteolysis in animal model and provide experimental base in the study of aseptic loosening of prosthesis. Methods 20 BALB/C mice were allocated into 2 groups: group A was control group received sham operation; group B was osteolysis model which were implanted Ti particles onto the cranial of the mice. Ten days later, mice calvariae were harvested for pathology, analysis. Results In HE, bone resorption in group B increased obviously and the structure of bone trabicular showed disturbance and osteoporosis. Middle suture area in group A was 0.075mm^2 ±0.012mm^2, group B was 0. 372mm^2 ±0.01 lmm: ; in TRAP, osteoclast numbers in osteolysis area of group A were 10. 1±1.1, group B were 32.3±4.2. Compared with control group ( group A ), Ti particles increased significantly osteolysis ( P 〈 0. 001 ) and osteoclastogenesis ( P 〈 0.001 ). The result of TRAP was in agreement with HE stain. Conclusion Establishing animal model by implantating Ti - debris onto the cranial of the mouce is a feasible method, which can provide experimental base to study wear debris - induced osteolysis.
出处 《宁夏医学杂志》 CAS 2008年第4期298-299,I0001,共3页 Ningxia Medical Journal
基金 教育部基金资助项目(206161)
关键词 磨损颗粒 骨溶解 动物模型 Wear debris Osteolysis Animal model
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