汽车轻量化已经成为当前汽车技术的重要发展方向。作为汽车轻量化的重要对策之一,轻质材料的选用就成为各汽车制造商的重要课题。文章介绍了现代汽车公司和沙伯基础创新塑料携手开发的QarmaQ高科技展示车(ATDV)以一种环保型的塑料制品、Xenoy iQ*和Valox iQ*树脂取代钢板,极大地降低了汽车质量,为汽车工业的发展提供了新思路,在汽车轻量化进程中迈出了重要的一步。
Auto weight lightening has become an important trend of current auto technology. As one strategy for auto weight lightening, to use other light materials has become a main task for auto makers. This paper introduces QarmaQ, an ATDV made by Hyundai Auto Co. Ltd and SABIC Innovative Plastics Co. Ltd. This car adopts Xenoy iQ* and Valox iQ*, some environmentfriendly plastic products to replace steel plates, which greatly reduces auto weight and provides a new idea for the development of auto industry, It sets out on an important step for auto weight lightening.
Tianjin AUTO