介绍了用三维设计软件Pro/E(Pro/Engineer)进行塑料模具设计,并应用了它的Mold Base Library、EMX(Expert Moldbase Extension)以及塑料顾问模块。运用该软件及其模块在计算机上进行开闭模仿真分析和塑料模具设计,可以极大地缩短模具开发周期。
The paper introduces how to design plastic moulds with three dimension design software Pro/E (Pro/Engineer), mainly including Mold Base Library, EMX(Expert Moldbase Extension)and Plastic Advisor Moaular. By way of computer with the softwore and relevant modulars, the analysis of analogne on-offmould and the design of plastic mould can be carried out in order to shorten the mould development period considerably.
Journal of Harbin Bearing