介绍10.00R20 16PR全钢载重子午线轮胎的设计。在结构设计方面,增大行驶面宽度,减小行驶面弧度高以及胎圈与轮辋过盈配合;在施工设计方面,胎体采用3+9+15×0.22+0.15钢丝帘线,带束层采用三层带束层加一层0°带束层结构。胎面胶配方中采用新品种炭黑与白炭黑并用。成品轮胎的室内性能良好。
A design of 10. 00R20 16PR TBR tire was described. In structure design, the width of running surface was increased, the arc height of running surface was decreased, and the interference fit of bead to rim was adopted. In construction design, the following processes were taken: 3+9 + 15 × 0.22+0.15 steel cord for bead,3 layers plus a 0°layer for belt. In compound design,a kind of new type carbon black was blended with silica. The finished tire possessed good indoor performance.
Tire Industry