
论影响儿童能力认识的内外部因素 被引量:1

Factors that Influence children's Knowledge of Ability
摘要 儿童能力认识发展是元认知发展的重要方面,儿童对自身能力的认识与评价对于其成就动机、自我概念和人格特征等发展具有重要影响。儿童的能力认识受到多种因素的影响,而且这些因素之间存在复杂的交互作用,使得儿童能力认识呈现出复杂化特点。本文简要分析了影响儿童能力认识的内外部因素及其关系,并对该领域未来研究方向做一展望。 The development of children's knowledge of ability is one of the key domains of metacognitive development. Children's understanding and evaluation of his own abilities have a great effect on the development of his achievement motivation, self-concept and personalities. Children' s knowledge of ability is frequently influenced by a lot of factors, among which there is a complicated interaction. This paper discussed briefly the internal and external factors that influenced children's knowledge of ability as well as the interaction, and provided some perspectives on future studies in this field.
作者 吕凯 桑标
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2008年第2期463-466,共4页 Journal of Psychological Science
基金 教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”项目成果。
关键词 儿童 能力认识 影响因素 child, knowledge of ability, influential factors
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