
一种新的封闭立方体查询算法 被引量:1

A New Algorithm to Query Closed Cube
摘要 提出了一种新的封闭立方体查询算法,缩小了查询时需搜索的记录的范围,提高了查询效率。给出了相关的理论分析和证明,并给出相关的封闭掩码集生成算法。实验结果和理论分析证明了新算法是有效的,在75%的情况下能将需查询范围包含的记录数减少到传统方法的92%左右,提高了对封闭立方体的查询效率。 This paper presents a new algorithm to query closed cubes, using this algorithm, the quantity of records being searched will decrease to 92% of that when the traditional algorithm is adapted, for 75% of the cases. Theoretical analysis is brought forward, also an algorithm to generate the closed mask set is given. Experimental results and corresponding analysis show that the new algorithm improves the searching efficiency.
出处 《微计算机应用》 2008年第4期63-66,共4页 Microcomputer Applications
基金 广东省科技计划项目(NO2006B11301001) 广州市科技计划项目(NO2006Z3-D3081)资助
关键词 商立方体 封闭立方体 点查询 数据立方体 quotient cube, closed cube, point query, data cube
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