
大容量余热锅炉汽包水位的建模分析 被引量:2

Analysis of Large-load Heat Recovery Steam Generators Drum Level Signal Model and its Filtering
摘要 为建立大容量余热锅炉(HRSG)水位控制仿真模型,需准确测量汽包各点的水位.但现场测得的HRSG水位信号包含有由不确定因素产生的噪声成分,具有脉动特性.采用Hilbert-Huang变换(HHT)时-频分析方法对水位信号进行频带识别,引入高斯模型来表征水位噪声,并设计了低通权值Myriad滤波器对水位信号进行非线性滤波.现场实验数据分析表明:这一水位信号分析方法是合理的,可有效降低各点水位信号波动的差异,从而提取到真实的水位信号. To establish drum level control simulation model of large-volume Heat Recovery Steam Generators (HRSG) and improve drum level control precision, it needs to gain accuracy level signals. Actually, however the HRSG level signals measured on site contain the impulse typed noise cause by uncertainties. By means of time - frequency resolution of Hilbert-Huang transform (HHT) the spectrum of level signal showing interference component in very low frequency band(〈0.02Hz), can be identified, and the Alpha statistical model is used to describe drum level impulse noise. Meanwhile the low-pass Myraid nonlinear filter is designed to mitigate the effects of impulse noise. The real data on field test shows the approach is reasonable to eliminate the difference of multi-level sensor signals and help to develop accurate level control model of advanced HRSG control system.
出处 《动力工程》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2008年第2期205-209,共5页 Power Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50676088)
关键词 能源与动力工程 余热锅炉 汽包水位 水位信号 Myriad滤波器 噪声 energy and power engineering heat recovery steam generators(HRSG) drum level level signal myriad filter noise
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