4Association of College & Research Libraries, Information literacy competency Standards for Higher Education, Chicago, Illinois, 2000.
5SCONUL Position Paper: Information skills in higher education, SCONUL,http://www.sconul.ac.uk/pubs_stats/pubs/99104Rev1.doc
6Council of Australian University Librarians, "information Literacy Standards", Canberra, Australian,http://www.caul.edu.au/caul-doc/InfoLitStandards2001.doc
7Rader, Hannelore B. "Information literacy 1973-2002: A selected literature review." Library Trends, 51 (2): 242-259, Fall 2002.
8Ann Grafstein, "A Discipline-based approach to information literacy." The journal of librarianship, 28(4), July 2002.
9Sun Ping, "Information Literacy in Chinese Higher Education." Library trends, 51 (2): 210-217, Fall 2002.
10Gary Robert. The Yin and Yang of integrating TILT into Blackboard. Computers in Libraries, 2003(9).