
12城市儿童焦虑的结构及性别年龄特征 被引量:31

Anxiety Structure by Gender and Age Groups in a Chinese Children Sample of 12 Cities
摘要 目的:探讨我国城市儿童的焦虑特点。方法:用儿童焦虑性情绪障碍筛查表对全国12个城市1559名少年儿童进行筛查(男774,女785;年龄8-16岁,平均12±2岁)并进行比较分析。结果:女性较男性报告有较高的广泛性焦虑(女3.8±3.1,男3.5±3.3)、分离性焦虑(3.6±2.8/3.1±2.7)、社交恐怖(4.0±3.0/3.6±2.9)和焦虑总分(15.6±10.0/14.4±10.5)(K-Wx^2=5.4-16.5,P〈0.05或0.001);各年龄组躯体4g/惊恐、广泛性焦虑、分离性焦虑、社交恐怖、学校恐怖、焦虑总分有显著差异(K-Wx^2=17.1-45.3,P〈0.05或0.001),各焦虑因子和总分随年龄呈规律性变化,其中焦虑总分从8~12岁逐渐下降,12-16岁又呈上升趋势(从17.1±8.6到13.5±8.8到17.8±11.4),分离性焦虑随年龄的增大得分越来越小(从4.9±2.7到2.9±2.5),广泛性焦虑(从3.2±2.4到5.3±3.6)和社交恐怖(从3.6±2.5到4.3±3.4)随年龄增长评分有增加趋势。学校恐怖评分8-11岁低而平稳,而后随年龄增长而上升(从0.9±0.9到1.4±1.5)。SCARED在本调查中的结构效度不理想(NFI=0.78,NNFI=0.81,CFI=0.83),根据探索性因素分析建构的三因素模型有很好的拟和指标(x^2/df=3.7,NFI=0.90,NNFI=0.91,CFI=0.92,GFI=0.96,RMSEA=0.042)。结论:我国城市儿童焦虑有显著的性别和年龄差异;广泛性焦虑/惊恐、社交恐怖和分离性焦虑是焦虑的主要因素,学校恐怖与躯体化症状未形成独立的焦虑因子。 Objective: To explore the anxiety trait of Chinese urban children and adolescents. Methods: The 41-item version of the SCARED was administered to 1559 primary and junior high school students (774 boys and 785 girls, mean age 12,with SD 2) in 12 Chinese cities. Results: The girls reported significantly higher levels of anxiety than boys. ( K - Wx^2 = 5.4 - 16.5, P 〈 0. 05 or 0. 001 ) : generalized anxiety ( girls 3. 8 ± 3. 1, boys 3.5±3. 3 ), separation anxiety ( girls 3.6 ±2. 8 ; boys 3.1 ± 2.7 ), social phobia anxiety ( girls 4. 0 ± 3.0 ; boys 3.6 ±2.9 ) and total anxiety ( girls 15.6± 10.0 ; boys 14.4± 10. 5 ). The separation anxiety decreased with age (from 4. 9± 2. 7 to 2. 9±2. 5 ), generalized anxiely (from 3.2± 2.4 to 5. 3±3.6 ) and social phobia ( from 3.6 ± 2. 5 to 4.3 ± 3.4 ) increased with age. School phobia remained at a stable low level between 8 to 11 years old, after that increased with age ( from 0.9 ± 0. 9 to 1.4 ± 1.5 ). Somatic/panic ( from 4.4 ±3.3 to 2. 9 ± 2. 5 to 3.8 ±3.6 ) and total score of anxiety ( from 17. 1 ±8. 6 to 13.5 ± 8. 8 to 17. 8 ±11.4) decreased during 8 to 12,but increased during 12 to 16. In this sample,the 41-item version fit not good ( NFI = 0. 78, NNFI - 0. 81, CFI = 0. 83 ). A three-factor model was set up according to factor analyses,which certified a good fit mode(x^2/df = 3.7, NFI = 0. 90, NNFI = 0.91, CFI = 0. 92, GFI = 0.96, RMSEA = 0. 042 ). Conclusions: In the Chinese urban sample, generalized anxiety/panic, separation anxiety, socialphobia were the main anxiety factors. School phobia and somatic symptom did not become independent anxiety factors. Girls have higher anxiety than boys.
出处 《中国心理卫生杂志》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2008年第4期241-245,共5页 Chinese Mental Health Journal
基金 国家自然科学基金(30770767) 湖南省教育科学“十一五”规划重点课题(XJK06AXL004)
关键词 儿童 焦虑 性别 年龄 结构效度 心理测量学研究 child anxiety gender age structural validity psychometric study
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