In Mr. Zhong Rong' s Shi Pin (Poetry Critique and Comments), Bao Zhao' s poems are considered as an average ones. Zhong Rong thinks that Bao Zhao' s poems are of advantages of poet Zhang Xie' s and poet are of more excellent features than poet Xie Hun' s and poet Yah Yanzhi' s. Zhong Zhang Hua ' s, and Rong' s comment, "His poems inherit aesthetical effect after four famous poets, and he becomes an impressive and unique poet between two generations or dynasties", is fairly suitable. Zhong Rong also finds that Bao Zhao is "unknown by the people in his era" because of his inferior social status ; the explanation is also suitable. But his comment at Bao Zhao' s poems having the traits of ' typical preference for writing skills of vivid description' , of ' disregard for taboo in rhyme and oblique tone of the poem' , and of ' the edge of being vulgar' , is just his personal value and it has its limitation by the era ; sometimes, it was a one - sided argument if taking the development of poem into account.
Journal of Yibin University
Bao Zhao
Zhong Rong
Shi Pin
Comments and Further Explanation of Former Comments