利用CCD数字图像获取技术采集牙模的数字图像,基于Windows平台及其Visual C++ 6.0开发工具,借助于MS SQL Server数据库技术对牙模图像的数据进行维护和管理,研究与开发了口腔正畸模型的计算机辅助测量分析系统。系统设计主要以牙弓形态测量与分析为基础,针对口腔正畸临床诊断及临床操作的需要而进行的。系统包括三个子系统,分别是牙模型的病历管理系统、测量系统和分析系统。研究结果表明,研究开发的口腔正畸模型计算机辅助测量分析系统具有重要的口腔诊疗临床使用价值。
The CCD digital image acquisition technique is adopted to capture dental model, and Visual C++ 6.0 in Windows platform is utilized to perform investigation and development on Computer Aided Measurement and Analysis System for Orthodontic Model. This system separates data from operation using MS SQL Server database to maintain and manage data. In the overall design of system, some feature of the abroad software about dental model design is referenced to study and design the measurement method of the dental model. System design is based on the measurement and analysis of the dental arch and is aiming at the demand of clinical diagnosis and clinical operation. There are three subsystems, these are: management system of medical records of dental model, measurement system and analysis system. Finally, the execute instruction and the measurement analysis results of the computer aided measurement and analysis system for orthodontics model are given in the thesis.
Medicine Healthcare Apparatus