
现行规范桥梁气动导纳理论局限性的分析 被引量:1

Analysis on Limitation of Current Standard about Bridge Aerodynamic Admittance Theory
摘要 为准确描述气动导纳对抖振的影响,针对我国现行规范气动导纳函数局限性的问题.通过对气动导纳函数的全面理论分析,提出了影响气动导纳的各种因素;并通过编程计算实例和风洞试验证明了现行气动导纳函数的局限性,指出了需要一个完整的气动导纳理论体系。研究结果为较好把握桥梁抖振的理论分析及工程应用提供理论依据。 Aiming directly at the limitations of aerodynamic admittance function of current sdandard, and in order to describe the effects of aerodynamic admittance function to buffeting, various factors that affect the aerodynamic admittance are put forward by overall theoretical analysis. The limitations of current aerodynamic admittance function are tested by programming and wind tunnel test. Then it is pointed out sequentially that a systematic aerodynamic admittance theory is necessary. The results provide theoretic bases for better assurance of the buffeting theory and the project applications.
出处 《重庆交通大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2008年第2期191-194,共4页 Journal of Chongqing Jiaotong University(Natural Science)
关键词 桥梁 抖振 气动导纳 局限性 bridges buffeting aerodynamic admittance limitations
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