

Effects of ketamine on the differentiation of human helper T cells in vitro
摘要 目的观察不同浓度氯胺酮对人离体辅助性T淋巴细胞(Th细胞)分化功能的影响。方法采15例ASAI级择期手术患者外周静脉血,分为对照组(C组),和氯胺酮1、2、3组(K1、K2、K3组),氯胺酮1~3组终浓度分别为1、3、30μg/ml。采用三色免疫荧光标记和流式细胞术检测各组全血中T细胞内干扰素(IFN-γ)和白细胞介素-4(IL-4)的表达,推算出全血中Thl细胞及Th2细胞百分率,并计算Thl细胞与Th2细胞的比值(Th1/Th2)。结果不同浓度氯胺酮对Th细胞的分化无显著影响。结论氯胺酮不增强围手术期的免疫抑制效应。 Objective To investigate and compare the effects of ketamine on the differentiation of human helper T cells in vitro. Methods Peripheral blood were collected from fifteen ASA I patients. Groups were designed as control and ketamine 1-3(K1-K3). The final concentrations of ketamine 1-3 were 1,3,30μg/ml respectively. Percentage of Th1 cell or Th2 cell were determined using three--color flow cytometry. The Th1/Th2 ratio was calculated. Results Ketamine had no effects on the differentiation of human helper T cells. Conclusions Ketamine may not result in enhance immunosuppression after surgery.
出处 《齐齐哈尔医学院学报》 2008年第5期517-518,共2页 Journal of Qiqihar Medical University
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