Tumor-infiltrating 1yTnphocyte (TIL) in the primary site of oral SCC treatedwith S-PVP or PVP therapy was collected respectively and its vield,that is calculating theamount of TIL per gram of tumor tissue- The cytotoxicity of TIL against the target,Tca81l3was detected. The results showed that the vield of TIL in S-PVP group was three times overthat in PVP group. At the ratio of 5 to 1 (effector to target) the cytotoxicity was 38% in S-PVP group and 32% in PVP group. There was no significant difference in its cytotoxicity be-tween two groups. The re8ult8 revealed that immunpcjemotherapy of S- PVP regimen fortreating oral SCC had neither direct damage to tumor ce1l from the agents nor antitumor immune reactivity with BRM stimulating an increasing in numbers of TIL.
Shanghai Journal of Stomatology