
矫形治疗生长期下颌后缩对舌的位置及口咽部气道的影响 被引量:5

Effects of orthopedic treatment on oropharyngeal airway dimension in mandibular retrognathic growing patients.
摘要 目的:研究生长期下颌后缩患者矫形治疗后下颌骨位置,舌的位置以及口咽部气道的变化。方法:选取20例生长期下颌后缩病例,上颌基本正常,ANB>4°,应用矫形治疗方法导下颌向前(包括斜面导板,肌激动器,Herbst矫治器,Jasper Jumper矫治器)。通过头颅侧位片测量观察治疗前后下颌骨位置,舌的位置以及口咽腔软组织的变化。结果:治疗后ANB平均减小3.1°,SNB由平均75.2°增加到78.3°;舌的位置明显前移,舌骨向前下移动3.5mm和2.8mm;软腭向下移动2.5mm;上气道宽度、中气道宽度、下气道宽度分别增加18.75%,32.38%,46.0%。结论:矫形治疗可以增加生长期下颌后缩患者口咽部气道的宽度,增加通气量,改善通气。 Objective:To study effects of orthopedic treatment on oropharyngeal airway dimension in mandibular retrognathic growing patients.Method:20 patients with mandibular retrognathism were treated with functional-orthopedic approach. Their cephalometric radiographs were taken and the position of mandible and tongue and the dimension of oropharyngeal airway were measured and compared in pre-and post-treatment. Result:After functional-orthopedic treatment, ANB decreased 3.10 meanly; SNB increased from 75.20 to 78.30;soft palate move 2.5 mm inferiorly;Position of tongue and tongue bone moved anteriorly and inferiorly 3.5 mm and 2.8 mm;Widths of superior, middle and inferior airway increased 18.75%, 32.38%, and 46.0% respectively. Conclusion:It suggested that functional-orthopedic treatment may increase the dimension of oropharyngeal airway and improve the respiratory function in mandibular retrognathic growing patients.
出处 《临床口腔医学杂志》 2008年第3期168-170,共3页 Journal of Clinical Stomatology
关键词 矫形治疗 生长期下颌后缩 软腭 口咽部气道 orthopedic treatment oropharyngeal airway mandibular retrognathic growing patients tongue soft palate
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