
复解析小波在解调分析中的应用 被引量:1

Application of Complex Analytical Wavelet to Demodulation Analysis
摘要 基于Hilbert变换的传统解调法,不具备自适应分析能力。复解析小波是一个带通滤波器,只要选择适当的尺度,就可改变滤波器的中心频率和带宽,使滤波器的频带覆盖信号中感兴趣的频带,即可提取理想的包络,突出信号中有用的信息。因此复解析小波变换具备自适应分析能力,是一种非常灵活的解调器。 The traditional demodulation which is according to the Hilbert transformation does not have the self-adapting analysis ability. Complex analytical wavelet is a kind of bandpass filter, only if you choose the appropriate scales, you can change the center frequency and bandwidth. Then the bandwidth of convertibility filter can overlay the bandwidth of the signal that you interested, therefore you can immediately pick the ideally envylope and give prominence to the useful information. The complex analytical wavelet transformation is a very attractive demodulator with adaptive analysis skill.
出处 《机电工程技术》 2008年第3期81-84,共4页 Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Technology
关键词 信号处理 解调分析 故障诊断 复解析小波 signal processing demodulation analysis fault diagnosis complex analytical wavelet
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