About 30%-40% of hematopoietic stem cells in human fetal liver of 3-5 months are in S phase of cell cycle, much higer than the ratio of 10% of that in adult bone marrow. The existance of highly active hematopoietic stem cell proliferation stimulators is probably its molecular basis.
CFU-S 'suicide rate' in rats was adopted to detect the effective substance. Through several steps of separation, we obtained a relatively purified substance of 35kDa, termed it as FLS-4. CD 34 positive cord blood cells were sorted and assayed for their response to FLS-4 in 3H-TdR incorporation assay. The response to FLS-4 alone was approximately 1 times the background response seen with no factor added. In combination with IL-6 and
IL-3 produced response that was 2.9 and 6.5 fold respectively greater than that observed with no factor added, but was weakly in comparison with the effects of SCF. In combination with GM-CSF or IL-3, FLS-4 can stimulate the formation of blast-colonies.
The results indicate that the FLS-4 is very likely to be a novel hematopoietic stem cell proliferation stimulator. In physical or biological characteristics, it exhibited a Unique character different from IL-3, IL-6, GM-CSF,SCF or FLT3 ligand those are known to have hematopoietic stem cell prolifcration stimulating activity. During the period of active he-matopoiesis in fetal liver, FLS-4 might be the candidate in triggering hematopoietic stem cells from resting G0 to S phase.
Acta Biologiae Experimentalis Sinica
Proliferation stimulator. Fetal liver. Hematopoietic regulation. Stem cells