
多孔磁体甲酸盐[M_3(HCOO)_6](M=Mn^(2+),Fe^(2+),Co^(2+),Ni^(2+),Fe^(2+)/Zn^(2+))的研究 被引量:2

The study on porous magnets [M_3(HCOO)_6](M=Mn^(2+),Fe^(2+),Co^(2+),Ni^(2+),Fe^(2+)/Zn^(2+))
摘要 综述了近年来我们在多孔磁体甲酸盐系列[M_3(HCOO)_6](M=Mn^(2+),Fe^(2+),Co^(2+),Ni^(2+),Fe^(2+)/Zn^(2+))获得的研究结果.这些多孔磁体可以在常温下用温和的溶液化学方法制备获得,它们的结构是以MM4四面体为节点的金刚石多孔骨架,呈现了很好的热稳定性、多孔性、广谱的客体包合性能和稳定性.由于客体的包合对多孔磁性骨架的结构参数产生影响以及客体和骨架之间的弱氢键相互作用,这些多孔磁体表现了丰富的和客体调控的磁性质.混合金属的多孔磁体[FexZn3-x(HCOO)6]表现了随着Zn2+的含量增加而发生的由三维磁有序到自旋玻璃、再到超顺磁体、最后到顺磁体的渐次转变. The series of porous magnets of [M3(HCOO)6] (M = Mn^2+ ,Fe^2+ ,Co^2+ ,Ni^2+ ,and Fe^2+/Zn^2+ ) can be prepared by conventional solution chemistry method. They possess open diamond framework based on M-centred MM4 tetrahedml nodes,and display permanent porosity, stability for thermal treatment, guest removal, and guest inclusion for a wide spectrum of guests of different size and property. The porous magnets show 3D long-range magnetic ordering and guest-modulated magnetism due to the subtle structure change of the magnetic framework that conforms to the guests and the host-guest interaction.The dilution of [Fe3(HCO0)6] framework by diamagnetic zinc ion resuits in a series of mixed-metal porous magnets of [FexZn3-x(HCOO)6] showing gradual evolution from 3D long-range ordering to spin glass then superparmagnetism and finally paramgnetism.
作者 王哲明
出处 《分子科学学报》 CAS CSCD 2008年第2期75-86,共12页 Journal of Molecular Science
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(20571005 20221101 20490210)
关键词 多孔磁体 甲酸盐 金刚石骨架 客体包合 porous magnet metal formate diamond framework guest inclusion
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