The variation of parvalbumin immunoreactive (PV-I)neurons in the ischernic retina of SD rat was studied. The experimental animals treated with ischemia of different time were divided into four groups (l0' l5, 30 and 60 min group).The left eye of rats was seIf control eye and right eye was ischemic eye. The results showed that PV-I neurons were located in inner nuclear layer (INL) and ganglion cell layer (GCL), their processes extended toward inner plexiform layer (IPL) and were distributed in 1, 5 sublarninaeof IPL. PV-I fiber could be seen in nerve fiber layer. There was no significant change in 10 min group. The density of PV-I neurons were decreased and the PV-I fibers in 5 sublamina of IPL were lost after l5 min of ischemic treatment. The density of PV-I neurons in 30 min group and 60 rnin group was decreased more clearly than that of 15 min group. The results suggested that decrease 0f PV-I neurons may occur after 15 min ischemia but the decreasing rate was lower than that of other neurons. It is indicated that PV-I neurons have some tolerance capacity to ischemia.
Chinese Journal of Neuroanatomy