
AV间期对再同步化治疗患者心脏电同步性及血流动力学的影响分析 被引量:2

AV delay effect on electric synchronism and hemodynamics of CRT patients.
摘要 目的观察心脏再同步化治疗(CRT)时最佳AV间期值变化规律及其对心脏电同步性和血流动力学的影响。方法13例行CRT的患者,术中尽可能让左右室电极导管的距离最远。术后在超声下获取最佳AV间期,并记录EF和12导体表心电图。结果不同个体的最佳AV值从110—230ms,有较大离散度,合并房间阻滞者最佳AV间期值均较大;同一个体的最佳AV值因随访时间不同而变化;心房激动能经房室结下传者其心电图QRS时限随AV间期变化而改变。同时伴有血流动力学变化。结论最佳:AV间期值有较大的个体差异性并随时间而变化。房间阻滞者常有较长的最佳AV间期值;激动能经房室结下传者,适宜的AV值能进一步改善心室同步性。 Objective To observe changes of the AV delay and it's effect on the electric synchronism as well as hemodynamics in CRT patients, Methods 13 patients who rceive CRT were tested the optimal AV delay by the UCG, At the same time, 12-lead surface ECG were recorded. Results Optimal AV delay show great disperse which vary form 110ms to 230ms. The optimal AV delay are larger in patients who have interatrial block. QRS duration change companying with the AV delay in patents who have sucessful AV condution. Conclusion The optimal AV delay have larger individual difference and The optimal AV delay of patients who have interatrial block are usually larger.
出处 《四川医学》 CAS 2008年第4期394-396,共3页 Sichuan Medical Journal
关键词 心脏再同步治疗 AV间期 电同步性 CRT AV delay electric synchronism
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