
企业核心业务与绩效相关性研究--基于我国21家上市物流公司的实证 被引量:8

Study on the Correlation of Core Business and Performance Based on 21 Listed Logistics Company in China
摘要 企业核心业务与其绩效相关性研究日益受到理论界与实际界的关注。本文以我国21家上市物流公司为研究样本,运用相关性分析和弹性分析,基于总体、分地区和个案视角对企业的核心业务与绩效的相关性进行实证研究。研究表明,就总体而言,上市物流公司的核心业务每变化(增加或减少)1%,企业经营绩效就相应的变化(增加或减少)3·41%(或1·44%),即核心业务对企业经营绩效的贡献较大,且地区和个案研究也得到类似的结论。最后,文章提出相关建议。 The study of the correlation of core business and performance has been widely concerned by management theorists and practitioners. This paper studies the correlation of core business and performance for 21 listed logistics company in China from whole to individual logistics company, using correlation and elasticity analysis. The conclusion is that company performance will change 3.41 % if core business change 1% every time. In other words, the degree of core business affects performance is very high, other study sustained this conclusion too. At last, this paper brings forward some advice to improve the performance of logistics company.
出处 《统计研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第4期33-39,共7页 Statistical Research
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目“基于网络环境下电子类产品逆向物流系统结构的研究”(70472033) 浙江省社科联研究课题“浙江省物流业绩效评价及对策研究”(07N58)资助
关键词 核心业务 绩效 相关性研究 上市物流公司 Core business Performance Correlation study Listed logistics company
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