

The Relationship Between the United Sates and Soviet Union in the Brezhnev Period from the Viewpoint of National Interests
摘要 20世纪70年代苏美关系以缓和为主要特征,这种缓和实际上是双方互相限制的手段,它在一定程度上缓解了双方以往的僵硬对抗,部分地改善了国际紧张局势。"苏攻美守"是这一时期苏美关系突出特点,国家利益是外交活动的实质。 The principal characteristic of the relationship between the United States and Soviet Union in the 1970s was to moderate serious situations, which in fact meant a method to limit each other. Through this way, the two countries' confrontation was relieved to a certain degree, and the intense national situation of that time partly made better. "The Soviet Union attacks and the USA defends" is the other leading feature at that time. In general, the national interests were the final aim of their diplomatic relations.
作者 张建华
出处 《杭州师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2008年第2期73-78,87,共7页 Journal of Hangzhou Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
基金 教育部"新世纪优秀人才计划资助"(NCET)项目"苏联政治文化谱系研究"阶段性成果
关键词 国家利益 非意识形态 勃列日涅夫 苏美关系 national interests non-ideology Brezhnev The Soviet Union attacks and the USA defends
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