The urban transit network is a sub-system in the city system.How to optimize the existing transit network on the basis of residents distribution,roads and transporta- ti.on epuipment is a most important aspect of researching the urban transit network. The traditional method is to build a mathematical model to quantitate the qualita- tive problem,and to give the optimizing solution which is subjected to the restricted conditions.But usually the result is impractical. This paper introduce a new approach to optimizing the urban transit network.It include three steps:first,using graph theory to express the urban transit network exact- 1y;then,consulting the public transport experts to get several different network struc- tures avoiding inaccurate mathematic describing;finally,comparing these structures with computer program to give the optimized transit network structure.so,the result has the strict theory basis;meanwhile it is practical. we have already applied this method to the Beijing transit network,and improved the economic efficiency.
Journal of Northern Jiaotong University