Objective To analyze the relationships between the pressure change of intervertebral disc adjacent to fused segments and axial symptoms in anterior cervical decompression and fusion (ACDF), when lodorsis is maintained in all patients. Methods Forty-two patients with trauma and cervical spine diseases treated with anterior decompression, reconstruction and internal fixation by same doctors from January 2006 to January 2007 were included. The pressure of intervertebral disc next to fused segments was measured in the operation. The pressure change from preoperative to postoperative was calculated. The influences on restoration of cervical curvature were measured with D value (a straight line from the posterior circumference of the dens to the posterior- inferior border of C7 and another line from the posterior-inferior border of C4 perpendicular to the first line were drawn, its length was D value), and the axial symptoms were observed at the same time. Then the relations of pressure change of intervertebral disc next to fused segments and axial symptoms were analyzed. Results D value of all patients was positive, and there was significant difference between preoperatively and postoperative D value (P〈0.05). There were no relations between the change of curve and axial symptoms (P〉0.05). But there were significant relations between the pressure change of intervertebral disc next to fused segments and axial symptoms (P〈0.05). There were significant difference in pressure change of intervertebral disc next to fused segments between the group of axial symptoms (12 patients) and the group of no symptoms (30 patients) (P〈0.05). Conclusion There are affinities of pressure change of intervertebral disc next to fused segments and axial symptoms in ACDF when lodorsis is maintained. Primary study indicates that pressure measure in the operation will help in control of the intensity of support, and axial symptoms can be decreased.
Chinese Journal of Bone and Joint Injury
Cervical vertebra
Spinal fusion
Intervertebral disc
Axial symptom