
VRdose评估系统及其在日本普贤核电退役工程中的应用 被引量:2

The Application of VRdose Evaluation System in Fugen NPS Decommissioning Engineering
摘要 VRdose评估系统是由日本原子能机构(JAEA)和经济合作与发展组织/核能署(OECD/NEA)Halden反应堆工程中心共同研究开发的。该系统具有模拟退役解体的全过程、量化退役中放射性废物及工作人员在辐射环境中的工作量、实现辐射强度分布的可视化、优化退役计划等功能。本文介绍VRdose评估系统及其在日本普贤核电站退役工程中的应用。 The VRdose evaluation system was developed by Halden VR center, Institutt for energiteknikk, OECD Halden Reactor Project under contract with Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute. The VRdose can help to simulate decommissioning, quantify the radwaste, visualize the radiation distribution, evaluate the worker's dose received in the radiation work area and optimize the decommissioning plan, etc. In some areas of nuclear power station (NPS), because of outside contamination, air pollution or high radioactivity it is difficult to approach. If working in such environment, it is necessary in advance to estimate the environmental radioactivity distribution. And then the VRdose software is an exact evaluation system, and now it has already been applied in the Fugen NPS decommissioning project.
出处 《辐射防护通讯》 2007年第6期41-44,共4页 Radiation Protection Bulletin
关键词 退役 虚拟现实 VRd06e评估系统 辐射剂量 Decommissioning Virtual reality VRdose evaluation system Radiation dosage
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