
新产品开发过程中的战略均衡研究 被引量:1

Strategic Balance Study in the Process of New Product Development
摘要 基于企业促销和广告宣传能提高消费者心目中的新产品质量水平,而将市场阶段细分为上市初期阶段和中后期阶段。考虑到上市初期阶段新产品质量的提高会影响产品需求率,进而影响企业收益和成本,建立基本产品、新产品和竞争产品并存下的企业利润模型,研究了新产品开发时间与质量之间的平衡问题,并分析了上市初期阶段产品质量的提高对企业利润和营销战略的影响。 Based on the viewpoint that for newly marketed product, quality perceived by consumers can be improved by investing capital and labor to advertise. A multl-stage quality model for new product,including market stage divided into primary stage and subsequential stage,is introduced in this paper,Considering that quality promotion of new product at primary stage affects the requirement rate of new product,revenue and cost of enterprise,a profit model is built under the cannibalization strategy of the existing product,new product and competitor product to study the tradeoff between new product development cycle time and quality. The analysis of our model shows that it Can help to guide the new product development and establish the firm's marketing strategy.
作者 邢乐斌 王旭
出处 《科技进步与对策》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第3期17-19,共3页 Science & Technology Progress and Policy
关键词 新产品开发 产品促销 广告宣传 虚质量 终稳质量 New Product Development Time Virtual Quality Final Quality
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