
溶胶-凝胶法制备CuO/γ-Al_2O_3催化吸附剂 被引量:5

Preparation of CuO/γ-Al_2O_3 catalytic sorbent by sol-gel method
摘要 摘要:采用溶胶-凝胶法制备纯γ-Al2O3,颗粒和CuO/γ-Al2O3吸附剂颗粒,研究制备吸附剂工艺中的各种影响因素,得到最佳的制备工艺参数。在最优条件下制备得到的CuO/γ-Al2O3,吸附剂具有较大比表面积、孔容和均匀的孔径分布,并对工艺进行了改进,如省去冲洗过程、增大溶胶浓度和提高氧化铜的有效负载量。对比分析了改进工艺前、后吸附剂的孔结构特征,简化后的制备工艺不仅缩短吸附剂制备周期,也降低吸附剂制备成本。对吸附剂进行了脱硝性能研究,结果表明,改进溶胶凝胶法制备得到的CuO/γ-Al2O3催化剂在(250-400)℃,脱硝率维持在85%以上,活性高于浸渍法制备的同类型的吸附剂。 Spherical /γ-Al2O3 granular particles and CuO-coated γ-Al2O3 granular particles were prepared by sol-gel method. Parameters affecting the preparation were studied and optimum condition was obtained. Improvements were made to the preparation process, including eliminating of the washing step, enhancing sol concentration and increasing loadings of CuO on γ-Al2O3granules, which simplified the preparation process and reduced preparation time and lowered cost of the sorbent. The CuO/γ-Al2O3 catalysts were tested in a fixed bed for selective catalytic reduction( SCR), with de-NOx efficiency of up to 85% at (250 -400)℃, higher than those prepared by impregnation method.
出处 《工业催化》 CAS 2008年第4期24-29,共6页 Industrial Catalysis
基金 国家重点基础研究发展规划项目(2006CB200304) 国家高技术研究发展计划项目(2007AA05Z308)
关键词 催化化学 溶胶凝胶法 CUO/Γ-AL2O3 吸附剂 脱硝 catalytic chemistry sol-gel method CuO/γ-Al2O3 catalyst catalytic sorbents selective catalyticreduction (SCR)
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