Equal importance has been attached to love stories and hero romances in Song-Yuan Colloquial Stories. The writers of the Zhanghui novel took great interest in history. At that time, the key point of the narration was to rebuild the history order to fulfill the heroic cause. So the human appetite for family and erotic things, which was regarded as a barrier for the hero to achieve social success, became a plot that was a latent factor to dominate the entire structure of the historical romance, when the novel was completely free of the description of the Monarch and the General, and when the heroes became apotheoses and were involved in the vivid human life, this latent factor gradually became the leading one. From the historical romance to the Evil-spirit novels, and then the novel about human relationships, the female image gradually emerged. But the negative connotation was the same.
Journal of Guangzhou University:Social Science Edition
early historical romance, female image, neoteric intention