
盘龙参内生真菌分布特征的研究 被引量:13

Distribution Characteristics of Endophytic Fungi in Spiranthes sinensis(Pers) Ames
摘要 从盘龙参[Spiranthes sinensis(Pers)Ames]的根、茎、叶中共分离得到49株内生真菌,经形态观察,鉴定为3目、4科、9属。其中曲霉属、镰刀孢属、丝核菌属为优势种群,分别占已分离菌株数的16.3%、14.3%和14.3%。不同组织部位所分离得到的内生真菌在种群及数量上都存在差异:根中的优势属为镰刀孢属,占到了根中分离菌种数的23.5%;叶中的优势属是链格孢属,占到叶中分离菌种数的26.3%;茎中的优势属为长蠕孢属,占到叶中分离菌种数的23.1%。表明盘龙参内生真菌的分布具有一定的组织专一性。 49 endophytie fungi were isolated from Spiranthes sinensis (Pers) Ames. They belong to 3 orders, 4 families and 9 genera. Aspergillus, Fusarium and Rhizoctonia, which are regarded as dominant species, are 16.3 %, 14. 3% and 14.3% of total isolated strains. Endophytic fungi isolated from different tissue are variant in species and quantity: Fusarium is major in roots which is 23. 5%; Alternaria is major in leaves which is 26. 3%; Helminthosporium is major in stems which is 23.1%. This indicates that the distribution of endophytic fungi is tissue specificity.
出处 《中国林副特产》 2008年第2期22-23,共2页 Forest By-product and Speciality in China
基金 黑龙江中医药大学校重点基金(200506)
关键词 盘龙参 内生真菌 鉴定 分布 多样性 Spiranthes sinensis (Pets) Ames endophytic fungi identification distribution diversity
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