
基于移动终端屏幕分辨精度的网格简化算法 被引量:1

Mesh simplification algorithm based on screen resolution of mobile devices
摘要 针对移动终端用户对三维物体的感知度与屏幕分辨率明显相关的特性,提出一种基于移动终端屏幕分辨精度的网格简化算法。算法定义了模型在目标屏幕上显示时的基准显示状态(BoV),并通过移动终端分辨率及物体的视距参数分别计算得到目标屏幕的分辨精度阈值及模型的分辨精度因子,通过加权二次误差度量(QEM)算法动态地删除不符合显示精度要求的冗余数据。算法易于实现,适用于手机、PDA等仅具备低分辨率屏幕的移动终端上的图形应用。实验结果说明新算法的有效性。 According to the feature that the mobile user's perception to 3D scene is considerably related to the screen resolution of the mobile devices, we put forward a mesh simplification algorithm based on screen resolution of the mobile devices. The new algorithm defined the Benchmark of View (BoV) when the model was displayed on the target screen. The resolution threshold ε can he determined by the resolution of the target screen. And then the new metirics can he obtained by weighting the Quadric Error Metrics (QEM) with the resolution factor which is principally made up of the resolution threshold and distance from the 3D object to the view point. Redundancy of the model that did not match the resolution of the target screen was removed. The proposed algorithm is suitable for the applications of graphics for the mobile devices. The algorithm is tested on various data sets through experiments and results show its availability.
出处 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第5期1225-1228,共4页 journal of Computer Applications
关键词 移动图形 网格简化 分辨率相关 屏幕相关 二次误差度量 mobile graphics mesh simplification resolution-dependent screen-dependent Quadric Error Metrics(QEM)
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