
基于AOP的软件运行轨迹捕获技术研究与实现 被引量:9

Research and implementation of trace capture technique based on aspect-oriented programming
摘要 借助面向方面编程(AOP)的关注点分离思想,提出了基于AOP的软件运行轨迹捕获技术,它能在不改变源代码的情况下为系统注入运行轨迹捕获和运行行为监测功能,从而有效提高系统中监控模块的松耦合性。以该技术为基础实现了系统运行轨迹分析工具SRT,该工具能够在改善系统模块性的同时,为软件轨迹监测、系统故障定位提供量化依据与可信性保障。 Because the traditional software development method does not provide the mechanism that separates the trace capture concern and other business concerns, the implementation codes of all the concerns tangle seriously, To solve this problem, we applied Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) in the research of software trace capture and studied a .technique of trace capture that can wave the monitor requirement into the system without changing the source code, This technique can improve the modularity of software effectively, Base on it, we implemented a monitor tool named Software Runtime Tracer (SRT), which can be used to analyze system manner and find program bugs and enhance the trustworthiness of software as well.
出处 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第5期1322-1324,共3页 journal of Computer Applications
基金 国家973规划项目(2005CB321804)
关键词 面向方面编程 路径捕获 系统监控 Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) trace capture system monitor
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