
Web事务的弱原子性与正确性标准 被引量:1

Weak Atomicity and Correctness Criterion of Web Transaction
摘要 事务处理是现代应用系统的基础支撑部件,也是Web服务能否成功支持商务应用的关键技术。但由于环境的高度分布与自治性,传统的可串行化理论已不能再作为Web事务的正确性标准。本文放松了事务的原子性规定,将事务看作由若干原子单元组成的偏序集,并将可串行性扩展为事务的弱可串行性,作为事务的正确性标准。文章最后给出了一个完全分布式的事务并发控制算法,用以实现弱串行性的判定。 Transaction is the infrastructure for concurrency and recovery. And it is one of the key technologies for using Web service in e-business. But Serializability theory is not proper to be correctness criterion of service transactions for they work in much more distributed and autonomic environment. In this paper, the atomicity of transaction is loosed in that a transaction is divided into a partial set of atomic units. Accordingly the traditional correct criterion, serializability theory is improved into weakly serializability. A fully distributed service scheduling algorithm is presented at last to realize this correct criterion.
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第4期44-47,共4页 Computer Science
基金 广东省科技攻关计划项目(004A10205003) 广东省自然科学基金项目(B6480598) 国家教育部项目(D4109029) 广州市科委重点科技攻关项目(G03B2060940)支持
关键词 WEB服务 事务 弱原子性 弱可串行化 事务调度算法 Web service, Transaction, Weak atomicity, Weak serializability, Scheduling algorithm
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