
路网子图空间上的交通流波动机理 被引量:2

Fluctuation mechanism of equilibrium traffic flow on multi-class networks
摘要 针对道路网络客观条件的限制、道路管理法律法规的限制以及出行者个人偏好3方面因素导致的机动车出行者对道路交通网络出行条件差异性认知实际情况,建立基于网络出行子图空间上的随机用户平衡模型,并采用相继平均算法求解该模型。通过算例分析可知,网络结构认知差异性产生的路径旅行时间之间的偏差,可达到同一O-D对、所有实际使用路径上旅行时间平均值的20%,并进一步辨析了路段旅行时间感知误差和网络结构认知差异性产生的路径旅行时间偏差之间的区别与联系。证实了在我国混合交通流现状条件下,现状交通流的成因兼具路段旅行时间感知误差和对实际道路网络结构认知差异性2方面因素。 A stochastic user assignment model on multi-class networks, which confirms the rule of the Wardrop optimality on the journey sub-graph space and which exists and has a uniqueness of solution, is set up in terms of measures of perceived travel time in order to consider travelers' different recognition on structure of traffic networks caused by three objective occasions, such as function restriction of some parts of traffic networks, restriction of traffic management scheme and effect of individual preference. The method of successive averages is employed to solve the proposed model, An example is given to show that difference of route travel time among all the used routes between the same O-D pair arrives at 20% of the means of route travel time of all used routes, and to show the difference and collaboration relationship between the random component in travelers' perception of travel time and the travelers' different recognition on structure of traffic networks, The objective fact is that the current traffic flow in the current transportation environment in China is produced by the two aspects of factors.
出处 《中南大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第2期410-416,共7页 Journal of Central South University:Science and Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(70471047) 中国博士后科学基金资助项目(20060390273)
关键词 交通工程 Wardrop平衡 认知 出行子图 交通流平衡分析 traffic engineering Wardrop equilibrium recognition sub-graph of traffic networks traffic equilibrium analysis
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