
节约型社会视野下自然资源行政许可制度研究 被引量:5

Research on Licensing System of Natural Resource under the View of Resource-Saving Society
摘要 当前中国经济进入了发展的快车道,经济的发展越来越依赖于资源的利用,自然资源成为了生产资料和生活资料的基本来源。而资源利用的矛盾却日益突出,粗放的经济发展模式,带来了资源的巨大浪费,2003年接踵而来的水荒、煤荒、电荒、油荒,资源危机已经敲响了警钟。为此,2004年党的十六届四中全会决议明确提出"建设节约型社会"的战略决策,倡导资源节约型社会理念,从根本上缓解经济社会发展面临的资源瓶颈束缚,为实现全面建设小康社会奠定物质基础。本文在节约型社会的框架下,分析了现行的自然资源行政许可制度,指出现行制度在制度设计、权限分配、许可设置科学性上的先天不足,在此基础上进行了管理体制上的创新与改革,提出了建立集中的自然资源许可制度的设想,并指出在许可层级上应当明确中央与地方的权限划分,强调要按照自然资源类型、技术水平以及自然资源自身特性及发展状况的要求设置许可方式,构建国内外资源利用许可的双轨管理体制,采用附条件型许可,以期有效实现资源的有效调控,达到资源节约型社会的发展目标。 At present, as China' s economy entering the period of fast growth, economy development more depends on the use of resources. Natural resources become the basic source of production material and life material. However, the contradiction of using the resources has been increasingly conspicuous. In 2003, the resources crisis of water, coal, electricity and oil already has sounded the alarm for the society. Therefore, in order to ease the resources bottleneck of economic and social development and build the material foundation for realizing the comprehensive affluent society, strategic decision of “The construction of economized society” has been proposed explicitly in The 6th Plenary Session of the Sixteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (PCP) in 2004, which advocates the idea of resources-saving society. As a most important and powerful means of control in modern society, law is an indispensable protection and foundation to build a resources-saving Society. Thus, in the background of ruling the country by law and building a socialist country ruled by law, the utilization of natural resources should be put into the rule of law. Administrative licensing, as a most important means of natural resources management, is an extremely important legal system of allocating resources, through the way of administrative licensing to allocate the utilization of the limited resources by law and evaluate the market access, to achieve rational exploitation, saving and efficiently sustainable utilization of natural resources. This article analyzes the present administrative licensing system of the natural resources under economized society's frame, and points out the existing system's deficiencies in the system design, the distribution of powers, and the scientifical licence setting. Based on this, we hold the innovation and reform of the management institution in the paper, propose a plan to establish a centralized natural resources licensing system, point out that the division of authority between the central and local governments should be clear in the division of licensing authority, emphasize that the establishment of licensing should be in accordance with the natural resources type, the technical level and speciality of the natural resources to construct the two-track management system of licensing of domestic and abroad resources, adopt conditional licensing to realize effective regulation and control of resources, and achieve the goal of resource-saving society.
作者 阮李全 任杰
出处 《资源科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2008年第4期499-507,共9页 Resources Science
基金 司法部法治建设与法学理论研究部级科研项目:“我国构建节约型社会法律保障研究”(编号:05SFB2004)
关键词 节约型社会 自然资源 行政许可 创新构思 完善对策 Resources-saving society Natural resources Administrative licensing Innovation Perfecting measures
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