
痤疮发病机制中免疫应答的研究进展 被引量:22

Research Advances in Role of Immune Response in the Pathogenesis of Acne
摘要 痤疮属于毛囊皮脂腺单位慢性炎性疾病。近来的研究表明,痤疮的发病机制中免疫应答与毛囊皮脂腺单位高表达白细胞介素1α、Toll样受体、可溶性白细胞介素2受体有关。痤疮瘢痕愈合的炎症皮损在消退期呈现高比例的皮肤归巢T细胞、巨噬细胞浸润、人类白细胞抗原高表达及毛细血管增生,提示迟发型超敏反应参与痤疮的炎症机制,免疫失衡在痤疮炎症发展中可能起关键性作用。 Acne is a chronic inflammatory disease of the pilosebaceous follicle. The significant expression of interleukin 1 alpha-induced in the pilosebaceous unit,Toll-like receptors (TLRs), and soluble interleukin-2 receptors are considered to be involved in the pathogenesis of acne. A high percentage of skin homing T-cells, macrophages infiltration, strong expression of HLA-DR, and angiogenesis proliferation are symptoms in the retreat of the lesions with acne scars. It shows that delayed-type hypersensitivity is considered to be involved in the pathogenesis of acne and unbalanced humoral and cellular play major roles in inflammatorv acne.
作者 李佳妍
出处 《医学综述》 2008年第8期1124-1126,共3页 Medical Recapitulate
基金 南宁市科学研究与技术开发计划项目(2007011421C)
关键词 痤疮 细胞因子 TOLL样受体 体液免疫 细胞免疫 Acne Cytokine Toll-like receptors Humoral immunity Cell immunity
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