
改善心室重构的药物和方法 被引量:1

The Medicaments and Methods Reducing Myocardial Remodeling
摘要 心室重构进一步导致心力衰竭,引起心源性死亡。近年来,许多心力衰竭、心源性猝死的研究致力于心室重构的改善和逆转。不管从β受体阻滞剂、血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂等常用药物方面,还是从心肌细胞移植、起搏治疗等新方法的尝试,有的获得了肯定的疗效,有的尚在进一步探讨中。本文对近年来改善心室重构的药物和方法研究进行归纳和总结。 Myocardial remodeling gradually leads to cardiac failure and arouse cardiac sudden death. In recent years, many studies of the cardiac failure and sudden death take up with the amelioration and reverse of the myocardial remodeling. Some of these new attempts such as beta adrenergic receptor, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor, cardiac cell transplant and artificial cardiac pacing acquired positive curative effect. Some is still in discussion. This article reviewed these medicaments and methods and makes some conclusions and summarizations.
出处 《医学综述》 2008年第8期1255-1256,共2页 Medical Recapitulate
关键词 心室重构 心力衰竭 抑制 Myocardial remodeling Cardiac failure Inhibition
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