

Clinical significance of C-reactive protein in patients with acute cerebral infarction
摘要 目的探讨急性脑梗死患者血清C-反应蛋白变化及其临床意义。方法选择97例急性脑梗死患者和72例健康对照组为研究对象,测量其急性期和恢复期血清C-反应蛋白的水平并作比较;血清C-反应蛋白阳性病例(大于10mg/L为阳性)与脑梗死病灶大小、死亡率相比较。结果97例急性脑梗死患者急性期与恢复期血清C-反应蛋白水平均高于健康对照组,比较差异具有显著性(P<0.01),病情重者升高更明显;病灶>15mm急性脑梗死组血清C-反应蛋白阳性率高于病灶≤15mm腔隙性急性脑梗死组(P<0.05);血清C-反应蛋白阳性病例组死亡率高于血清C-反应蛋白阴性病例组死亡率(P<0.05),差异均有显著性。结论血清C-反应蛋白水平变化可作为判断急性脑梗死患者病情及评估预后的敏感标志物。 Objective To investigate the change in serum level of C - reactive protein (CRP) in acute cerebral infarction (AC1) and explore its clinical significance. Methods Serum level of CRP was measured in 97 patients with AC1 at two different time points: acute and recovery period ( with an interval of 2 weeks) , and 72 healthy persons were applied as controls. The level of CRP over 10 mg/L has been regarded as positive result. The relationship among serum level of CRP, size of cerebral infarction lesions and mortality rate was analyzed. Results The serum levels of CRP in patients with AC1 were significantly higher in acute and recovery period than those in control persons ( P 〈0.01 ). The more serious the clinical nervous function defect was, the higher level of CRP would be. Among CRP positive patients, the serum level in patients with lesions of infarction greater than 15 mm, was significantly higher than that of patients with lesions less than 15mm ( P 〈0.05 ). The mortality rate in CRP positive patients with ACI was significant higher than that of CRP negative patients ( P 〈 0.05 ). Conclusion Serum level of CRP can he regarded as a sensitive marker for evaluating clinical condition and prognosis of patients with AC1.
作者 王瑛 张克瑞
出处 《临床和实验医学杂志》 2008年第4期37-38,共2页 Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine
关键词 急性脑梗死 血清C-反应蛋白 预后 Acute cerebral infarction C - reactive protein Prognosis
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