

Enlightment and Summary for the U.S. Manpower Personnel and Training Research
摘要 人力人员和训练(manpower,personnel,and training,MPT)是决定武器系统保障性、经济承受性和军事效能发挥的关键因素。概述了美军的MPT研究历程、管理状况及主要技术成果,以比较分析方法为重点对6种典型MPT需求确定技术进行了分析,并以图的形式总结了方法问的关系和所处的技术与管理状态。最后,归结出在管理、技术方法及研究方向的开拓等方面对我军的启示。 Manpower, personnel, and training(MPT) is the key factor in supportability, affordability and military efficiency of the weapon system. The paper summarizes the research history, management status and major technique productions of U.S. Army MPT. Six techniques for determining MPT requirements are analyzed with emphasis on the comparability methodology. Then, the connections among them, their technology status and management environment are summed up with the form of picture. Finally, the illuminations from the MPT research are obtained in the aspect of management, technique methods and the new field of study.
出处 《装备指挥技术学院学报》 2008年第2期32-35,共4页 Journal of the Academy of Equipment Command & Technology
基金 部委级资助项目
关键词 武器系统 人力人员和训练 保障 weapon system manpower, personnel and training (MPT) support
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