

A Discussion on the Monitoring of Media Reports about Contingencies Predicted for the 2008 Olympic Games
摘要 采用文献资料法和逻辑推理法对奥运会突发事件概念和可能表现形式进行了分析和概括,探讨了突发事件中媒体内容监控的原则,最后提出要建立媒体监控部,完善各种媒体内容监控与跟踪制度:制定信息有限传播规定,实行信息传播追究连带责任制;设立信息收集员岗位;制定新闻记者有限行动规定。保持信息的准确传递,保持与公众的良好沟通:每个赛场设立突发性事件媒体发言人;设立突发性事件报告与新闻线索热线。制定详细的突发事件舆论导向方案,建设联防联控的危机管理系统;对预测的突发事件进行备案,提前研究制定出媒体对策。 By means of literature review and logical deduction, the author tries to predict the possible contingencies and significant events that might occur in the course of the 2008 Olympic Games due to some natural or man-made factors. After analysis, it is concluded that reports of contingencies are in accordance with news and media regulations and are usually the focus sought by the media. Therefore, it is proposed that timely guidance and close attention to media reports should be the principles for monitoring media reports in time of contingencies. Furthermore, the author proposes a media monitoring department should be set up and a media monitoring and tracking system be perfected. Other suggestions include:limited information communication regulations should be stipulated,a system of information communication which is joined with liability should be practiced, information collection posts should be established, regulations limiting journalists' actions should be stipulated, an accurate transmit of information be maintained, a good communication with the public be kept,a media announcer on contingencies be appointed at each spot of competition and a hotline of contingency reports and media clues be set up. Finally,a detailed public opinion direction plan regarding contingencies should be made and a crisis management system which is cooperatively designed and controlled should he built,in order to put in the records of the predicted contingencies and figure out the countermeasures for the media in advance.
出处 《首都体育学院学报》 2007年第4期22-24,共3页 Journal of Capital University of Physical Education and Sports
关键词 奥运会 突发事件 媒体监控 The Olympic Games Contingencies Monitoring of media
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