重新考证了Plyometrics术语,综述了其译名的相关争论;分析了Plyometrics的理论基础和核心,并综述了Plyometrics和Plyometrics Training相关的判断标准、疲劳与训练适应以及该训练方法的新进展,以期为Plyometrics相关的理论研究和实践应用提供参考。同时与魏冰先生《Plyometrics问题探究》一文中提出的Plyometrics新译名等问题商榷。
A Re-Textual Research of Plyometrics term,and review on the debate of Chinese translated term. Also, the author analysises the theoretical basis and kernal of the term,and reviews the criterion of Pleyometrics and Plyometrics Training, After that,lucubrates the complexion of fatigue and trainingadaptation and reviews the latest development of Plyometrics Training application,so as to serve for theory research and practising. At the same time, discusses the new Chinese chanslated term of Plyometrics and some cruces which brought forward in the paper ON THE PLYOMETRICS written by Mr. Wei.
Journal of Capital University of Physical Education and Sports